Friday, December 12, 2014

The danger in e-cigarettes

      Electronic cigarettes where said to be that they were safer than regular cigarettes. "Using e-cigarettes may even make bacterial infections resistant to antibiotics, according to one study." The devices heat up a liquid that a user inhales. Because the e-cigarette burns nothing and release no smoke.
        Vapes are more dangerous than the e-cigarettes because they have they flavoring liquid stuff in it and that could be worse on your body than a regular cigarettes. The scientist studying this said that vapes could cause a cancer than would be harder to treat then any other cancer from cigarettes. These new fake cigarettes that were suppose to better for you are now worse on you than before.

Australia's dangerous creatures

      Some people would say that Australia is "the land where everything can kill you." Which is almost true it is the continent with crocodile, deadly jellyfish, great white sharks, dangerous spiders and twenty out of the twenty-five most venomous snakes. Some of the other animals are Cone shells, wombats, magpies, honey bees, kangaroos a wallabies.
       Cone shell are pretty creatures that lure someone to pick them up, but the venomous gastropods produce neurotoxic peptides that cause pain, swelling, numbness and even death in humans. Wombats are furry marsupials that look very friendly but are not. They will attack humans. Magpies are birds that will fly down on peoples heads to protect young and they draw blood in the process. There has been cases when people have lost their eyes. Honey bees are another animal that is dangerous in Australia. Honey bees kill more people than the deadly spiders that live in Australia. This is because around three percent of people are allergic to the venom honey bees produce when they sting. Kangaroos and wallabies get in fights with humans and most of the time cars will hit the kangaroos.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Male monkey bonding eases stress

     Most male monkey spend most of their time fighting other males over female monkeys, even though they live in a groups with other males. So they stayed stressed out because of all the fighting they go through of a day. These monkeys are more likely to not get the ease of the other monkeys who have bonded.
wild Barbary macaques
        By studying these primates, scientists found that males with strong social bonds with other males had lower stress hormones in their feces than males with weaker bonds. The results say that the stress-reducing benefit of friendship extends beyond that seen among females and pair-living animals.


     An antidepressant drug suppresses the herpes simplex virus. Tranylcypromine, sold since the 1960s as Parnate, reduces flare-up in previously infected animals with the herpes virus. Tranylcypromine blocks the activity of the LSD1, a protein found in humans and other mammals. "The herpesvirus uses LSD1 to activate some of its own genes to infect a host and later to awaken from its dormant state in the host’s sensory nerve cells." This activation is what unleashes the virus and cause the symptoms.
        By blocking the viral gene activation, tranylcypromine makes the epigenetic change in the virus, but an alternation in its gene activity that does not change the underlying DNA structure. They tested this on mice, rabbits and guinea pigs.

Early heart attcks

       A rare mutation in two genes was associated with the risk of early heart attacks in life. "An analysis of more than 9,000 genomes revealed that changes in the low-density lipoprotein receptor gene (LDLR)  and in the apolipoprotein A-V (APOA5) gene were linked with elevated levels of plasma LDL cholesterol and plasma triglycerides."
      The results that was published on December 10 in Nature, says the issue with
 with triglyceride metabolism, along with high LDL cholesterol, may be the cause of early heart attacks in life.


 People with schizophrenia normally hear either hostile voices telling them to jump off a bridge or voices that sound like a mothers soothing words of advice depending on the culture they live in. In the United States the symptoms for schizophrenia are hallucinations of disembodied voices that hurl insults and make violent commands.     

  This disorder is not well understood or defined as other health conditions. This disorder is a mix of different mental health conditions, like schizophrenic and mood disorder features. These people may live lonely lives and have trouble keeping or getting jobs. Treatment can help with    symptoms and improve their lives.   

Monday, November 17, 2014


Steamboat Geyser ejects a huge volume of water

       " Geysers are hot springs with constrictions in their plumbing, usually near the surface, that prevent water from circulating freely to the surface where heat would escape. The deepest circulating water can exceed the surface boiling point (199°F/93°C). Surrounding pressure also increases with depth, much as it does with depth in the ocean. Increased pressure exerted by the enormous weight of the overlying water prevents the water from boiling. As the water rises, steam forms. Bubbling upward, the steam expands as it nears the top of the water column.'

Why chimps haven't evolved culture like humans

Chimpanzee Family
      "Human culture is remarkably varied, characterized by differences in religion, dress and social customs. Chimpanzees, humanity's closest living relatives, differ from group to group, too. But chimp culture is not nearly as complex as human culture."

       Just because the chimps look like us and act like us don't mean we are the same. We similar qualities but we are still different and the chimps are still not turning into humans so its all fake!!!

french kissing

      " During a kiss During a kiss, you get exposed to many bacteria, but only a minor fraction of them are able to colonize the human body," said Remco Kort, a co-author of the study and a professor of microbial genomics at the University of Amsterdam."

      Kissing 10 seconds on the lips can transfer as many as 80 million bacteria into a persons mouth , a new study from the Netherlands finds. A study found that a couple kisses on average of nine times a day have similar microbial communities in their mouths.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Woolly Mammoth being cloned

           Scientist found a carcass of a Woolly mammoth in Siberia in 2013. This is now their best chance in cloning the extinct animal. When they first discovered it, it had deep red liquid ooze out of it. They have now analyzed it to understand how it lived and die and to see if it still has enough undamaged DNA to clone the extinct animal.

                 The huge creature was still mostly intact when they found it. The ice it was in had preserved it. The mammoth still had fresh blood, 3 legs and one of its tusks. And as the deep red liquid oozed out the researchers was hoping it was blood and their hopes can true because it was blood.


     The kingdom Fungi includes some of the most important organisms. Even though it cause a huge amounts of diseases in plants, animals and humans. The different kinds of disease it can cause in humans are ringworm, athletes foot and many more. Because fungi are more chemically and genetically similar to animals than other organisms this makes fungal diseases very hard to treat.
         Even though Fungi can be bad it can also be used in medicine (antibiotics) to help other things. It also helps some plants grow. You can eat some fungi such as mushrooms, morels, and they make beer out of it. 


        Evolution is thought to be a gradual process in which something changes into something different or something better than before. Charles Darwin came up with a theory called the Theory of Evolution, "stating that animals differentiated into species when the survivors of a changing environment were able to pass their genetic traits to their offspring." They say the theory of evolution can be tested and proven with the scientific method, and with fossil evidence. The evolutionist say the earth and everything was created millions and millions of years ago. 
Similarity of primates indicates common ancestor
God created Adam in his own image - Michelangelo           The creationist is the religious belief that a higher power created all the animals and humans and everything on the earth.  These people actually have faith and it can't be tested or approved. The creationist beliefs come from the Bible. Where it say "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."  Which the Creationist have a better way to prove their thoughts. They can prove it with science, history and the Bible. All the evolutionist have is science which don't really prove much. So I believe evolution is fake. 

"Nature is"


      "Nature is" in biologist Francois Jacobs word's, "an excellent tinkerer, not a divine artificer." He's is saying when we look at nature and all the other forms of organisms and molecules, we can see the mutations that are useful for there survival.

     The Panda has an extra thumb as a mutation. It helps them eat and hold their bamboo. This mutation is very helpful at times but still it is also not needed because they already have one thumb but then they have the extra one just for a little extra help.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Camouflaged Fish Found Hiding in Plain Sight

Camouflaged Fish Found Hiding in Plain Sight

        On the southwest coast of England camouflaged fish have been found in tide pools along the shore.  These fish are called rock gobies and are found in in pool along the intertidal zone in parts of Europe and North Africa.  There were studies done that proved that these fish could and did change colors depending on their surroundings and could do so in less than a minute.  There are pigment-containing cells in the skin, called chromatophores that change the goby's look.  This camouflage helps prevent these fish from being seen by predators such as birds and bigger fish. 


     For those that suffer from server epilepsy means drilling through the skull deep into the brain to destroy the small area where the seisures originates, its dangerous and has a long period recovery time. A team of Vanderbilt engineers figured out a way to go through your cheek and enters the brain from underneath which avoids having to drill through the skull and is an easier target.

    They designed the system so it could be made by 3-D printing so it wouldn't be so costly. The surgery involves a needle that is curved so that it don't have to hit the skull and it limits it from being so dangerous and they wont have as long of a recovery time.

Dinosaurs burried in amber

        Ryan McKeller studied pieces of amber found burried with dinosaur skeletons. McKeller used the tiny pieces of fossilized tree resin to study the world in which the now extinct behemoths lived. McKeller said, "New techniques for investigating very tiny pieces of fragile amber burried in dinosaur bonebeds could close the gaps in knowledge about the ecology of the dinosaur.

       The type of amber that the scientist work with is not like the jewelry grade variety that can be made into a necklace or earrings. McKeller works with very small pieces of amber, just millimeters wide.But still that much can hold a great amount of clues from the past.


Stages of Mitosis

     The stages of Mitosis are Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase and Telophase. During the late interphase the nucleus is well defined and surrounded by the nuclear envelope. during the prophase the nucleoli in the nucleus disappear. During metaphase the centromes are at opposite ends of the cell poles. During the anaphase the paired chromosomes separate. Then finally during the telophase the microtubules become even longer, and daughter nuclei begin to form at the two poles of the cell. Neclear envelopes are formed, the nuclei reappear, the chromatin of the chromosomes uncoil.

      Mitosis is the phase of the cell cycle where chromosomes in the nucleus are evenly divided between two cells. After the cell division process is finished, two daughter cells with identical genetic martial are produced.

Sunday, October 19, 2014



           In 1898 Fredrick Loeffler and Paul Frosch found evidence that the cause of food-and-mouth disease in livestock was an infectious particles smaller than any bacteria. This was the first clue to any viruses, genetic entities that lie somewhere in  the grey area between living and non-living states. Viruses depend on the host cells they infect to reproduce. When it comes in contact with a host cell, a viruses can insert its genetic material into its host, taking over the host's function.
             Viruses cause a number of diseases in eukaryotes. In humans these are some examples of viral diseases; smallpox, common cold, chickenpox, Ebola, and AIDS. Viruses themselves have no fossil record, but they do leave traces in the history of life.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

A single dose of antidepressant changes the brain

     A single dose of an antidepressant is enough to change the brain. Brain scans that were took before and after a small dose of antidepressant the changes were made in just three hours after taking the antidepressant. The researchers knew it affected the brain in matters of week but not in just a few hours of taking the antidepressants.
     They looked over the whole brain with the observation they got it affect two parts of the brain particularly, the cerebellum and the thalamus. Researchers are finding other ways to help the ones with depression.

New "sleep node"

      "A sleep promoting circuit located deep in the primitive brainstem has shown how we fall into deep sleep. Discovered by researchers at Harvard School of Medicine and the University at Buffalo School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, this is only the second "sleep node" identified in the mammalian brain whose activity appears to be both necessary and sufficient to produce deep sleep."
       The study of this shows that half of all the brains sleep promoting activity comes from the parafacial zone in the brainstem. The brainstem is a primordial part of the brain that regulates the basic functions that are necessary to live. 
        The researchers have more studying to do but they said in the future this could help find medications for sleep disorders such as sleep insomnia.

Asexual and Sexual reproduction


      Asexual and Sexual reproduction have many difference such as in asexual reproduction the offspring are identical to the original cell or offspring. While in sexual reproduction the offspring are similar to the parents but have a variation of traits that they show also. Asexual reproduction only involves one parent but sexual reproduction involves two parents which has to be a male and a female.
     Parthenogenesis is a form of asexual reproduction in which a female self fertilizes and all the offspring are females. In sexual reproduction the sex cell which is a gamete have one set of chromosome and they are haploid. They undergo a the whole process of meiosis, fertilization, then turn into a zygote, embryo, and and then become a fetus.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Crops that take up drugs from recycled water


     In a new study, researchers irrigated eight vegetables crops with treated waste water that carried 19 drugs and chemicals. Such as antimicrobial triclosan, cholesterol drugs such as gemfibrozil, the anticonvulsant drugs carbamazepine and caffeine. All of these are commonly found in waste water and are very difficult to filter out. Eight of the chemicals made it into edible portions of the crops.
     Irrigating crops with recycled water can leave them with laced with small amounts of drugs and personal care chemicals. Researchers disagree on whether the contaminated produce is likely to harm people. fields

Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells

        Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells differ from one another in several ways. The prokaryote has no nucleus. It has no nucleus nor nucleoli. The Eukaryote however, does have a nucleus, as well as a nuclear membrane and nucleoli. Prokaryotes also are involved in binary fission, while the eukaryote is into mitosis. Sizes are also one of those things where the two differ. The prokaryote is smaller than the Eukaryote.
       One of the interesting differences is their genetic make up. The Eukaryote has a DNA that is linear in shape without proteins, while the Prokaryote has a circular DNA shape, which never ends and associated with proteins to form chromatin.