Friday, September 19, 2014

The Greenhouse Effect

        The greenhouse effect is when thermal radiation from the surface of the planet is absorbed by atmospheric "greenhouse gases", and is then re-radiated throughout the planet. Solar radiation is what warms the planet. It uses the frequencies of visible light to do just that. When the planet sends it back out into the world, it does so in lower frequencies. This greenhouse effect is what makes the world livable in the way that we know it today to be. Like a greenhouse that we store our plants in, this is how we could best describe the process; it retains heat, keeping everything warm and alive.
        There are different factors that play a role in this effect working. The transparency of the greenhouse cover, the color of the surfaces inside the greenhouse, and the type of surface inside. Everything that goes on just has to look at these factors. The albedo is also a huge factor, because this is the percentage of solar energy reflected back to a surface. Everything just depends though on surface, climate, and physical things like that.

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