Sunday, September 21, 2014

A single dose of antidepressant changes the brain

     A single dose of an antidepressant is enough to change the brain. Brain scans that were took before and after a small dose of antidepressant the changes were made in just three hours after taking the antidepressant. The researchers knew it affected the brain in matters of week but not in just a few hours of taking the antidepressants.
     They looked over the whole brain with the observation they got it affect two parts of the brain particularly, the cerebellum and the thalamus. Researchers are finding other ways to help the ones with depression.

New "sleep node"

      "A sleep promoting circuit located deep in the primitive brainstem has shown how we fall into deep sleep. Discovered by researchers at Harvard School of Medicine and the University at Buffalo School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, this is only the second "sleep node" identified in the mammalian brain whose activity appears to be both necessary and sufficient to produce deep sleep."
       The study of this shows that half of all the brains sleep promoting activity comes from the parafacial zone in the brainstem. The brainstem is a primordial part of the brain that regulates the basic functions that are necessary to live. 
        The researchers have more studying to do but they said in the future this could help find medications for sleep disorders such as sleep insomnia.

Asexual and Sexual reproduction


      Asexual and Sexual reproduction have many difference such as in asexual reproduction the offspring are identical to the original cell or offspring. While in sexual reproduction the offspring are similar to the parents but have a variation of traits that they show also. Asexual reproduction only involves one parent but sexual reproduction involves two parents which has to be a male and a female.
     Parthenogenesis is a form of asexual reproduction in which a female self fertilizes and all the offspring are females. In sexual reproduction the sex cell which is a gamete have one set of chromosome and they are haploid. They undergo a the whole process of meiosis, fertilization, then turn into a zygote, embryo, and and then become a fetus.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Crops that take up drugs from recycled water


     In a new study, researchers irrigated eight vegetables crops with treated waste water that carried 19 drugs and chemicals. Such as antimicrobial triclosan, cholesterol drugs such as gemfibrozil, the anticonvulsant drugs carbamazepine and caffeine. All of these are commonly found in waste water and are very difficult to filter out. Eight of the chemicals made it into edible portions of the crops.
     Irrigating crops with recycled water can leave them with laced with small amounts of drugs and personal care chemicals. Researchers disagree on whether the contaminated produce is likely to harm people. fields

Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells

        Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells differ from one another in several ways. The prokaryote has no nucleus. It has no nucleus nor nucleoli. The Eukaryote however, does have a nucleus, as well as a nuclear membrane and nucleoli. Prokaryotes also are involved in binary fission, while the eukaryote is into mitosis. Sizes are also one of those things where the two differ. The prokaryote is smaller than the Eukaryote.
       One of the interesting differences is their genetic make up. The Eukaryote has a DNA that is linear in shape without proteins, while the Prokaryote has a circular DNA shape, which never ends and associated with proteins to form chromatin.

Friday, September 19, 2014

The Greenhouse Effect

        The greenhouse effect is when thermal radiation from the surface of the planet is absorbed by atmospheric "greenhouse gases", and is then re-radiated throughout the planet. Solar radiation is what warms the planet. It uses the frequencies of visible light to do just that. When the planet sends it back out into the world, it does so in lower frequencies. This greenhouse effect is what makes the world livable in the way that we know it today to be. Like a greenhouse that we store our plants in, this is how we could best describe the process; it retains heat, keeping everything warm and alive.
        There are different factors that play a role in this effect working. The transparency of the greenhouse cover, the color of the surfaces inside the greenhouse, and the type of surface inside. Everything that goes on just has to look at these factors. The albedo is also a huge factor, because this is the percentage of solar energy reflected back to a surface. Everything just depends though on surface, climate, and physical things like that.