Monday, October 20, 2014

Camouflaged Fish Found Hiding in Plain Sight

Camouflaged Fish Found Hiding in Plain Sight

        On the southwest coast of England camouflaged fish have been found in tide pools along the shore.  These fish are called rock gobies and are found in in pool along the intertidal zone in parts of Europe and North Africa.  There were studies done that proved that these fish could and did change colors depending on their surroundings and could do so in less than a minute.  There are pigment-containing cells in the skin, called chromatophores that change the goby's look.  This camouflage helps prevent these fish from being seen by predators such as birds and bigger fish. 


     For those that suffer from server epilepsy means drilling through the skull deep into the brain to destroy the small area where the seisures originates, its dangerous and has a long period recovery time. A team of Vanderbilt engineers figured out a way to go through your cheek and enters the brain from underneath which avoids having to drill through the skull and is an easier target.

    They designed the system so it could be made by 3-D printing so it wouldn't be so costly. The surgery involves a needle that is curved so that it don't have to hit the skull and it limits it from being so dangerous and they wont have as long of a recovery time.

Dinosaurs burried in amber

        Ryan McKeller studied pieces of amber found burried with dinosaur skeletons. McKeller used the tiny pieces of fossilized tree resin to study the world in which the now extinct behemoths lived. McKeller said, "New techniques for investigating very tiny pieces of fragile amber burried in dinosaur bonebeds could close the gaps in knowledge about the ecology of the dinosaur.

       The type of amber that the scientist work with is not like the jewelry grade variety that can be made into a necklace or earrings. McKeller works with very small pieces of amber, just millimeters wide.But still that much can hold a great amount of clues from the past.


Stages of Mitosis

     The stages of Mitosis are Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase and Telophase. During the late interphase the nucleus is well defined and surrounded by the nuclear envelope. during the prophase the nucleoli in the nucleus disappear. During metaphase the centromes are at opposite ends of the cell poles. During the anaphase the paired chromosomes separate. Then finally during the telophase the microtubules become even longer, and daughter nuclei begin to form at the two poles of the cell. Neclear envelopes are formed, the nuclei reappear, the chromatin of the chromosomes uncoil.

      Mitosis is the phase of the cell cycle where chromosomes in the nucleus are evenly divided between two cells. After the cell division process is finished, two daughter cells with identical genetic martial are produced.

Sunday, October 19, 2014



           In 1898 Fredrick Loeffler and Paul Frosch found evidence that the cause of food-and-mouth disease in livestock was an infectious particles smaller than any bacteria. This was the first clue to any viruses, genetic entities that lie somewhere in  the grey area between living and non-living states. Viruses depend on the host cells they infect to reproduce. When it comes in contact with a host cell, a viruses can insert its genetic material into its host, taking over the host's function.
             Viruses cause a number of diseases in eukaryotes. In humans these are some examples of viral diseases; smallpox, common cold, chickenpox, Ebola, and AIDS. Viruses themselves have no fossil record, but they do leave traces in the history of life.